Saturday, December 19, 2015

After Hours: Connor Morvant

What do you do to get into character for the role of “Connor Morvant” in the series After Midnight?
Nothing out of the norm, I suppose. I rehearse three times a week with different people; depending on what the script calls for. I keep in shape because well…there’s an abundance of topless and nude moments in the show. I will also watch older episodes so I can keep up with everything that’s happened to not only my character but the rest of the cast. I don’t really have any particular ritual. But I do enjoy running lines with Charlie. He’s a real crack up. He keeps me laughing. He’s also a practical joker. He makes coming to work every day pretty interesting. You never know what gag to expect or on whom. From removing the wheels on the camera crews’ golf carts to coloring Kaya’s hair blue (no that was not originally part of the script. It was a shower prank Charlie pulled on her). He keeps it fun!

What’s surprised you the most about being selected for this role?
The amount of fun that I have on set. As mentioned previously the entire cast is just a real pleasure to be around. I’m very lucky to have been chosen to work in such a relaxed environment with an eclectic group of people who just seem to mesh really well. I couldn’t and wouldn’t have asked for a better role.

What’s the most challenging part about playing a “werewolf”?
The makeup. The extreme body makeup. The hair they basically glue to your body when showing the transformation. It sticks! And it hurts like a son of a bitch when you pull it off. 

What do you wish would happen for your character “Connor Morvant”?
Actually, the one thing I was really hoping for has actually just happened. I should preface this with SPOILER ALERT! For anyone who's not yet caught up that far in the story. So, Connor has been depicted as sort of this lone wolf playboy type of guy. Always hopping from bed-to-bed with one nameless, faceless groupie after the next. Well his best friend found and settled with what has become known as the ‘true mate’ and I think ‘Connor’ was beginning to feel a bit lonely and left out. 

He watched this person he loves and cares about, his best friend, Kaya, become close to someone else and share a level of intimacy he’s never known. And while he was happy for her he felt a bit like a 3rd wheel at the same time. Caleb and Kaya had a language all their own. Connor was losing a piece of himself to this new wolf who had, ultimately, stolen away his best friend and all of the time and attention that was once his.

Seeing how great they were together after overcoming the terrible, terrible stuff from their past gave ‘Connor’ a bit of hope. Maybe he wasn’t doomed to roam alone for the rest of his life. While he was happy with that at a time, now came the reality that ‘there’s more to life’ you know? Now is the time to grow up and find someone to settle down with; something his mother was always, ALWAYS trying to hammer into his head. Now hes with this girl, Karri MacGrath, and even though it’s just starting out, I can tell this relationship is going to open up so many new doors for him. It’s going to be fun!

Are there any spoilers you can reveal to us concerning “Connor Morvant”?
Um…actually I think his story arc is coming to a close with the culmination of his bond with Karri and the story will start to move to her background and history and his acceptance of who she is and what she’s done. But I can say someone from Connor’s past will be making an appearance sometime soon.

How do you handle negative criticism and rumors?
I embrace the assholes and fire back at them. Even though I know it’s bad to engage them. I made a blog, completely anonymous (I’m not crazy) where I can retaliate, react and engage in conversations with my haters. And no, I won’t tell you the name of it. It's great to be able to dispel rumors and other gossip and also let my fans know my side of things even though they have no idea it's coming directly from me. It's cathartic. 

What is your favorite color?
Purple. A deep, rich purple. I can’t wear it though; it clashes with my hair.

Which country are you from?
France. Originally. I was born in Paris like the character I play in After Midnight but I was brought to and raised in the States when I was 4. So no, I didn’t have the sexy accent ever. Sorry, Ladies. But since my parents are French, I do speak the language. *wink*

Boxers or Briefs?
Ha-ha um…commando! I like to let the boys hang on occasion. But I do like the feel of those boxer briefs. They provide room and snug comfort.

What is your favorite smell?
The warmth of a woman’s thighs. Next to that of fresh baked French rolls, it’s the best smell in the world.

What are your favorite magazines?
Um…I’m not a huge reader but I do like architectural magazines, mainly because I like to look at the pictures so. There ya go.

What color is your car?
I drive a wine red Toyota Camry. Nothing fancy but I’m a huge fan of the car maker. They make shit built to last!

Do you have a special talent?
Nope. I’m completely talentless. Haha. Damn. That sounds bad. Well…uh…does comedy count? If so, I can crack up with the best of them. But as far as flipping coins with my belly button or turning my arms behind my back, nope. Oh! Acting! That’s a talent, right? Yep. Let’s go with that. Also, I’m very talented in the sack but…not sure they’re handing out awards for that these days.

If you dyed your hair, what color would you pick?
Something normal like brown. I don’t think I’d look good as a blond and I don’t really like the idea of jet black hair with these eyes. It would be too stark a contrast.

Do you prefer hugs or kisses?
Hmm, that’s a tossup. While I have been told I’m an awesome kisser (which is true) I think I very much like hugs. Mostly because they’re way more intimate to me than a kiss. This is full on contact for several seconds and you get invited into that person. Scent, touch, everything. I like being completely immersed in a tight, warm hug.

Do you still have your tonsils?
Yes. No ice cream dinners for me!

Would you live with someone without marrying them?
Yes and I have. Besides I’d never marry someone without having lived with them first. You learn SO much about a person that way. Bad habits, likes, dislikes, sleeping patterns (which are very, VERY important).

What's your zodiac sign?
Cancer. Born July 6.

Do you have brothers and sisters?
One of each. An older sister named Amara and a younger brother named Daniel. Yes, I am a middle child. I don’t, however, have the syndrome. Mostly because I’m better than my siblings. Haha, I’m joking. My parents gave us all equal attention and love so there was never any real rivalry amongst us.

What was the last book you read?
I’m not gonna lie, I’m not a huge book enthusiast. I’d rather spend my time doing stuff outdoors. So, to answer the question, I don’t know, Green Eggs and Ham when I’m six?

Do you like to cook?
I do. I really do. I don’t do it very often though. But when I have to, I make the meal count. I’m mostly on turkey duty for the holidays. Trust me, you’ve never tasted a turkey before until you’ve had one of mine. Seasoned and marinated for three days, basted every 20 minutes, injected with a blend of my own seasonings and cooked at the right temperature. I do those birds a favor when they go in my oven.

At what age did you become an adult?
25. I had a very sobering experience that was just the ultimate wake up call. Without divulging details I was told by a judge that I can’t, let’s just say it involved alcohol, a stripper, three of my close friends and a parked city bus.

What is your favorite body part?
Hmm, I think it’s my core. I work very hard to keep myself toned and in great physical condition and I have a deep appreciation for the way it all looks. Modest ain’t I? Now if we’re talking about what other people would say, that would be my eyes. People tell me all the time how breathtakingly awesome they are. I can actually stop traffic with them. You hear that as an expression a lot but with me it’s true.

What is your favorite form of exercise?
Running. I can run for hours. I love long jogs, morning jogs, night jogs. Just love it all. I feel so free when I’m out there taking in the sights, breathing in the fresh morning air or enjoying the quiet nights and cool breezes.

What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
Laundry. I’m still a big kid about it. I take my dirty stuff to my Mom and she washes it for me. Haha. She’s so great. I love her to pieces. I’m sure she’d appreciate not having to separate and fold my underwear at my age but she never says as much. I love you Mom!

Are you close with your family?
Very. I have a kid brother and an older sister and we’re like three peas in a pod. It’s vastly different from my character on the show because I’m an only child. Although Connor’s relationship with Kaya is comparable to having an older sister. She’s in a lot of ways just like Amara. I tell her that all the time. 

What cartoon character best describes you?
The Tasmanian Devil. When I get excited I’m just bouncing off of walls and there is no stopping me until I complete whatever idea or purpose that caused the enthusiasm!

Who was your first kiss?
Um…well…you’re gonna think I’m weird but I’ll tell ya anyway. Kaitlyn Diane…Morvant. She’s my first cousin on my Mom’s side; Uncle Jacob’s daughter. Now let me say it was totally innocent and we were 5 and 6 at the time, her being older, and we were just being kids. One of those “aww they’re becoming friends” moments that your parents and friends say when they see their kids playing together and getting along. I kissed her and I’m pretty sure I liked it because I went back for more. My Mom has the whole thing on video. Haha. She pulls it out every now and again; especially when she meets someone new.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
No. I much prefer the company of women. *wink* They’re way softer and some can hold meaningful conversations. 

Do you have any closing words?
Listen to your heart! (Now that song is gonna be stuck in your head all day.)

Thank you for coming out to speak to us today!
It was a lot of fun. Thank you for the opportunity.

Stay tuned! There are more interviews to come with the cast of After Midnight!


  1. Favorite moments him going commando and the fact that he still has his mother wash his laundry. LOL He's an actor, he can hire a maid to do it, but guess no one washes, dries, and folds like mom. hahahaha cute

    I'd agree on his eyes, I love them. :) And I think him having black hair with those eyes would be hot...just sayin'. :)

    1. GASP! A maid! How could you suggest such a thing?! Connor's such a mama's boy it ain't even funny. He's such a sweetheart though. And I'm sure Mama Morvant appreciates him coming around so often (even if it's to put her to work!)

      Ooh! You hear that Connor? You might want to give it a try :D

  2. You know, if you wanted me to pay attention to what Connor was saying, you should've chosen a different shirt for him to wear. O.O Very distracting. Anyway, Jazen pointed out my two favorite moments. Connor (excuse me, the actor who plays Connor) and I have something in common. We both drive Camry's. :-)

    1. Haha well see, what had happened was he wanted to show off his hard work and I thought "well, why not?" Never did I want it to be distracting :D
